kurandza girls education partnership schoolgirls
I am so excited to announce that we are now partnering with Kurandza, a social enterprise which helps women and children in rural Mozambique.

When I started my business, the entire purpose was to make an impact and give back. I do this by supporting women artisans, and also by partnering with organizations and causes that are making a difference.

We know business is a powerful force for good and we are honored to give back a portion of our monthly sales revenue to Kurandza. This year Kurandza is sending 200 girls to school and we’re so grateful that we and our community are a part of it! We believe that empowering young girls with support and education will create a ripple effect that will make the world a better place.

More about Kurandza: They are a non-profit social enterprise that invests in the future of women and girl in Mozambique. Through education, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development programs, women and girls learn to become leaders in their villages, sharing their skills and knowledge with the rest of their community, and creating opportunity for thousands of people. Kurandza is currently providing education to 200 girls in Mozambique, and creating jobs for women.

Kurandza schoolgirls

To learn more, click the heart below

Kurandza Logo taking to sute